Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bob Marley and Rastafarian

Bob Marley a legendary reggae singer who is from Jamaica. As Bob Marley was a representative of reggae he was also Rastafarian. Rastafarian is a christian culture in Jamaica started from 1930's. And one of the religious movements that Rastafarian encompass is the usage of marijuana. Most reggae singers are Rastafarian. Therefore it was impossible to have reggae without the existence of marijuana. This is the reason why many pictures of Bob Marley are presented by him smoking marijuana. The colors of a Rastafarian are red, gold (yellow), and green. Bob Marley was one of the key figures in spreading the idea of Rastafarian. During the 1970's Bob Marley's style and music spread throughout the world introducing people the idea of Rastafarian. If you listened to many of Bob Marley's song you might hear the world "ZION" often. Zion is a land where Rastafarian's believe god promised them in Africa which is Ethiopia present. Lion is also an important figure in the Rastafarian. The lion is in the Imperial Ethiopian flag and it is one of the doctrines in the Rastafarian.

Term rasta (which is the shortened version of the world rastafarian) when it comes to a reggae singer, Bob Marley, anything that has red, yellow, green, or just in general people who smoke marijuana for pleasure. It was because of Bob Marley that the idea of Rastafarian spread so fast now a days and it is also a big part in the industrial part. Present days there are products where the idea of rasta is present. There are multiple series of rasta earphones and headphones from Skull Candy which is a audio production company. Also there is a special edition in Burton Snowboards called the rasta board or the Bob Marley board. Because of its effectiveness around the world, rasta became a common thing in daily life. And now a days Rasta doesn't have to relate to the whole Rastafarian belief or reggae or Bob Marley. There are also companies where red, yellow, and green are their main colors such as Dakine. Because Bob Marley was so influential in this part the three colors are often referred as Bob Marley color. Also his contribution to this idea not only spread through out parts of Africa and America but now it is international.

Bob Marley was clearly one of the most influential figures in the world. He changed peoples' perspective about rights, drugs, music, and life. Not only it was influential then Bob Marley's ideas and quotes still reflect on some of the aspects of life we live in today.

"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction."

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."

"Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny."

"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!"

"Rastafari not a culture, it's a reality."

"Love the life you live, live the life you love"

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Drugs and Schools

As many people know there are more chances of getting involved in drugs in college. For most people the age that they are first introduced into drugs are during the early 20's to mid 20's which is the time where people are in college.
The most common drug many people will be first associated would be marijuana because it is the most common and it is easier to get than other illegal narcotics. At many times people will be either forced, encouraged, or self satisfactory. Most times people are encouraged or forced. In college many times students will be convinced that taking drugs make you look cool. And many anti-drug commercials are associated with the topic of drug making you cool. Either way it depends on the individual's choice but most of the times many people are convinced.
Also drug usage doesn't tend to matter in which college you attend in. Many of the students in Ivy league schools were arrested for drug uses. As seen in the graph Princeton and Yale has the most drug arrests. Also most people arrested for drugs are adults. There are more arrest of adult drug uses than juvenile. In this case adult is counting college students. There will be many temptations in college or later years of high school where one will be associated with drugs, and it is ones choice and ones responsibility to either take the risk or not.

Drugs to Movies

There are many movies that involves drugs. Most common drugs involved in these movies are usually marijuana or cocaine. As they are probably the two most common drugs. There are comical drug movies such as Pineapple Express, Harold and Kumar series, How High, and etc. There are more serious drug movies like Requiem for a Dream where it shows what drugs can actually do to people. Comical drug movies like Pineapple Express or other movies tend to deal with marijuana because it is one of the drugs that doesn't effect human health a lot. However more serious drug movies such as Requiem for a Dream which I saw recently in chemistry class deals with drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy. There are different levels of drugs dealt with in different situations. Marijuana tends to be the least serious and the most serious drug tends to be crystal meth. Movie such as Pineapple Express wants to promote the idea of doing drugs. These movies don't drugs seriously it shows as a hobby and a daily part of life. These comical drug movies are more meant for people to watch it as pleasure and to laugh. While movie such as Requiem for a Dream make people think again about drugs and question the viewers are drugs really worth doing.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

This is a advertisement of ending drug prohibition of marijuana .

The basic story of this advertisement is when a comical figure finds a flower. Which the flower reflects on marijuana. When the guy smells the flower he feels good and decides to share it with other people. After more and more people start to like it they start to produce the flower and the value goes up. When everyone is enjoying the flower, the government takes over. They out rule the flower companies and they start selling cigarettes and alcohol to people. As seen in the video people get more violent and more out of control when they smoke cigarettes and alcohol. There are also more health problems in the case where drug is the only way to cure, but also drugs have side effects. With the control of cigarette and alcohol companies the value of the flower goes down as well. As the cig and alcohol companies ban the flower. As there are less flowers left people are more eager to take it. With people wanting flower secretly this creates more chaos and the police wanting to arrest them. This video reflects on how the cigarette companies and the alcohol companies are very active with the government. Despite their harms they support anti-drug campaigns. The tobacco companies wants to have a strong bond with the government so that marijuana doesn't become legal. If marijuana did become legal it would effect greatly on the cigarette companies.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


sign the petition if you want to end drug wars

This vote is going to be sent to Ban Ki Moon and the heads of state

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cocaine is probably the second common drug after marijuana. Cocain is usually sniffed, smoked, consumed, and sometimes injected.
Cocaine comes from Crystalline tropane alkaloid which is obtained in the leaves of coca plant. The name of the drug comes from the plant coca and the suffix ine of alkaloid. Cocaine is know to be very addictive and it is illegal. It is a very strong nervous system stimulant. This drug can lead to various effects in the body. Common effects are it increases alertness, well being and euphoric and energetic. Some of the worse effects are anxiety, paranoia, and restlessness. However health problems generated fromlegal substances such as alcohol or tobacco are greater than health problems created from the use of cocaine. Cocaine does that lead to severe or even minor physical or social problems. Cocaine does not lead do severe mental breakdown but it causes a lot problems in body both internally and externally and most effects the body system and the functioning of the body. Cocaine also does harm to your exterior appearance. For example, on the left, it is a picture of a women before sniffing cocaine and after sniffing cocaine. As the picture is shown the cocaine sucked all the fat out of her face and she looks older. Cocaine will destroy you mentally, internally, and externally.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Marijuana VS Tobacco

Recent studies have shown that there is no increase in death associated with the use of cannabis. Unlike users of tobacco and alcohol, most users of marijuana tend to quit starting from their adult life. Also the exposure to smoke is generally less in marijuana than tobacco. Unlike tobacco which is chemically made and contains nicotine, marijuana does not contain nicotine and is not made with chemical substances. There are less risks in getting lung cancer or heart diseases from smoking marijuana. Many of the substances that make tobacco are also radioactive and it is airborne. Also nicotine which is present in tobacco is known to be highly addictive. Nicotine is a toxic substance and when it is consumed a lot it can cause harmful heart disease's and lung problems.

There haven't been a lot of problems with the over dose of marijuana. However people who ignore doctors advice and continues to smoke tobacco have managed to overdose and die of heart seizure or lung problems. Also because people how smoke creates the problem of second hand smoke. There is none of these problems with marijuana because most marijuana users dont smoke in public a lot because of its psychoactive effects. Also marijuana doesn't cause the narrowing of air passageways in the lungs unlike tobacco. Also research of doctors show that marijuana clears out the lungs with smog, pollutants, or cigarette smokes. This is also the reason why there are legal strands which are used as drugs to cure people. Research has shown that if medium to hard smokers also smoke marijuana they will live at least 7-10 years longer. Even the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) declared that marijuana is in his natural form and it is far safer than foods that people commonly consume.The reason why people smoke tobacco and thinks marijuana is far more dangerous is because they do not know about the chemicals and radioactive substances present in tobacco. In fact many professionals doctors have never heard about the substance called polonium 210 which is present in tobacco and is highly harmful. Also one of the reasons why marijuana is not legalized is because of the cigarette companies. The cigarette companies are very active with the U.S congress for decades fighting against laws and proposed research which could hurt the cigarette companies. Also the tobacco interests practically own the senate and house seats.Tobacco also contributes in fund organizations such as Partnership for a Drug Free America, which adopts a anti-drug agenda. However tobacco and alcohol are always excluded in these agenda, claiming that they are harmless. Also tobacco companies try to hide their ingredients for competitiveness against other companies.

With all these harmful chemical substances in tobacco that most people aren't

informed of, I do not know the reason why marijuana can be legalized when it is

scientifically proven that it causes less harm and when it is stated that it is actually healthier than most of the foods people consume commonly.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Here are top 10 reasons why marijuana should be legalized.

10. First of all prohibition has failed to control the domestic product of marijuana. Despite governments effort to prevent marijuana for 75 years, marijuana is now us by more than 25 million people annually. Also currently cannabis is America's top cash crop. Not only that marijuana is grown in the states, marijuana can be grown anywhere in the world if it has the suitable environment.

9. The arrest for marijuana possession affect blacks and hispanics. This creates a perception that law enforcement is bias against minorities. Many hispanics and blacks have been arrested in public for smoking marijuana. This results that law enforcements fail to show that marijuana laws can be enforced fairly regardless of race. Too many minorities have been arrested for marijuana use compared to white, non-hispanic americans who face lower risks of being arrested.

8. In a regulated, legal market of marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and uses among teenagers. It would also reduce exposure to other illegal drugs. Making marijuana illegal makes it more valuable and increases temptation among people to smoke. Which also leads to black market among teenagers. Tobacco and alcohol which are still drugs are illegal for teenagers until a certain age however because it is legalized there are no incentives for teens to sell to each other.

7. Legalizing marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to foreign countries. Marijuana's illegality makes foreign cultivation very profitable. Sending millions of dollars every year over seas, in an underground economy, diverting funds from productive economic development.

6. If marijuana was legal it would simplify the development of hemp and as a diverse agricultural crop in the U.S. It would also develop the new bio-fuel to reduce carbon emissions. Other countries in the world such as Canada and countries in Europe have been supporting legal hemp cultivation with out legalizing marijuana. Also since hemp only stalks as a fuel source it would not increase prices for food such as an example corn.

5. The prohibition of marijuana is based on lies and disinformation. The justification of illegality requires precise uses of scientific record. The dangers of marijuana have been exaggerated and there is no modern day scientific proof that supports the idea that marijuana is bad. Many claims that marijuana is bad is from old 20th century when science wasn't developed as much as today. However since then scientist have not confirmed with a final solution.

4. It has been proven that marijuana is no worse than alcohol or tobacco. Some research shows that it is actually safer. It has been scientifically proven that marijuana is non-toxic to humans. Also overdose in marijuana is nearly impossible. It is unfair to treat marijuana users more harsh just because of law.

3. Marijuana is too valuable and expensive for justice system and instead should be taxed to support beneficial government programs. People believe that law enforcement has more responsibility than arresting about 75 million people for marijuana uses. Especially also considering the justice cost of disposing these marijuana. Marijuana makes justice system more inefficient in America. Wasting jail space, clogging up court systems, and diverting the time of police, attorneys judges, and corrections officials away from violent crime, sexual abuse of children, and terrorism. Taxation of marijuana can provide fundings to important criminal justice and social programs.

2. Despite the bad views about the effects of marijuana, it also show positive effects. Marijuana has been used for medical usage. Also most marijuana strands have a mild effect. Marijuana reliefs pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms. Many adults in America prefer marijuana to alcohol because of its mild effects in the other hand where alcohol can lead to aggressive behavior and more stress. Many marijuana users can develop tolerance to the side effects those who cannot just quit. For most americans the greatest risk in smoking marijuana is being arrested.

1. Despite the strong forces trying to keep marijuana illegal. Marijuana users will continue going against laws and accomplish legalization of marijuana no matter what. Despite the law enforcements people will support marijuana legalization for generations. Prohibition has failed to silence marijuana users compared to their effort in past generations. The issue of marijuana will never be forgotten. And there will always be marijuana users trying to legalize it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cannabis is probably one of the most common and popular drugs among society. It is also known as marijuana or weed. The cannabis has over 100 strands. (If you are interested, visitleafly.com) Each strand has different effects. The most common effect is relieving stress and make you calm, another common is effect is making you hungry which is also known as munchies. There are many myths about marijuana and most people think tobacco is better than marijuana however this is a misunderstood concept. Despite is popularity as a drug it is illegal in almost all of the countries around the world except few. The most famous country where weed is illegal is Netherlands. Its capital which is Amsterdam is also known as the weed capital.
Even though marijuana is illegal in the states, there are many people smoking it and enjoying it. The proposition 19 act, which was held on november 2 2010, was a regulating, controlling, and taxing on cannabis. All though the act was defeated with more than half of Californians voting no. If the act was successful it would have allowed a lot of legalized marijuana activities. Despite that marijuana is a drug that is illegal there are a lot of benefits to it and from it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What are some different types of drugs?

There are 10 different kinds of drugs: Antidepressants, Barbiturates, Cannabis, Depressants, Hallucinogens, Inhalants, Narcotics, Steroids, Stimulants, and Tobacco.

- Antidepressants are psychiatric medication to control mood disorders, such as major depressions and dysthymia and anxiety disorders. Antidepressants are not illegal however they are illegal if it is not prescribed.

- Barbiturates are drugs that act as a central nervous system depressants. They have wide range of effects from mild sedation to anesthesia. As same as antidepressants, barbiturates are legal if prescribed by a doctor. If not, it is illegal.

- Cannabis is a genus of a flowering plant. It is highly associated with marijuana or hash. It is also used for medical use, recreation use, and religious use. Cannabis can cause mind to relax and also give side effects called munchies, which makes you hungry. However it can also lead to lose coordination and sometimes result in pain and aggression. Even though not all cannabis families are illegal, marijuana specifically is illegal in almost all countries around the world. There are more than 1000 of cannabis strains.

- Depressants are types of drugs that reduces the function of the central nervous system. There are also common depressants such as alcohol and heroin. They are illegal if not prescribed. The primary effect of the drug is that it makes you relax and reduce tension in your body.

- Hallucinogens are drugs that produces sensory hallucinations involving any five senses. It also produces different perceptions, way of thinking, and feelings. It changes your way of thinking about the world and people. Hallucinogens are illegal and some of the examples are "magic mushrooms" and "ketamine"

- Inhalants refer to a group of drugs that are inhaled through a form of gas or a solvent. Inhalants are dangerous because it can basically be found in any household or it is very easy to be in contact. Examples are paint thinner, nail polisher, spray paint, dry cleaning fluid, and more. People say that inhalants give pleasurable feelings, however you can lose coordination, become confused, and make bad decisions. Inhalants are probably one of the easiest substances you can find but one of the most dangerous drugs.

- Narcotics refer to any illicit substance. It technically means any substance derived from opium or any synthetic replacements. Even though prescribed narcotics can lead to treating pain, anxiety, and aggression. However sometimes these prescribed drugs can lead to great addiction, which is called prescription pill abuse. The side effects that harm you are increase of toxicity in your body. Which will cause you to lose motor coordination and slur your speeches. Some of the examples of narcotics are opium, heroin, morphine, and cocaine, which are all highly illegal drugs.

- Steroids are injection or consumed drugs that cause in build of muscle mass and strengths. Steroids which contain male sex hormones can cause a lot of damage in body when it is not prescribed. Steroids are illegal, however it is commonly used by body builders or sports players to enhance their performance. Also since steroids are injected if can cause skin problems when the needle is not cleaned.

- Stimulants are class of drugs that boost alertness and increases the activity of the central nervous system. Stimulants destroys your brain and your neuron transmitters defunct. Some examples of stimulants are amphetamines, methamphetamine, cocaine, and nicotine. Stimulants are illegal drugs.

- Smoked in the form of cigarette or chewed. Tobacco is a stimulant and it is highly addictive. The substance is known to cause lung cancer and other diseases. Nicotine which is the main substance in tobacco effects the brain by increasing the amount of chemical called dopamine. There is more strain put in the heart when one smokes cigarette which causes hardship of breathing. Smokers also have bad breath, stained teeth and fingers, and their body cells have lower resistance to colds or flus. A sense of smell or a sense of taste of a smoker are less sensitive then a non smoker. However tobacco is not illegal and it is common. Tobacco is legal because it has been around for more than 5000 thousand years and it is hard to just suddenly stop the production of tobacco.

Monday, January 24, 2011

What are Drugs?

- Def: A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, in particular.

When people talk about the general topic of drugs, most people see it as a bad way, thinking about illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, marijuana, and many more. However in the past drugs that are illegal now were used as medicine, such as marijuana.

Why do people do drugs?

Drugs are commonly used by people to control their moods. Also one of the reasons why people do drugs are from the stress. Also people do drugs to sometimes to get strong and look tough such as steroids. People who smoke marijuana are commonly referred as "stoners". For example people say an expression called getting "high", which is a symptom when one smokes marijuana. It is basically a state where a person gets lazy, relaxed, and basically doesn't feel like doing anything.

Are all drugs bad?

Not all drugs are necessarily bad. Actually some research shows that smoking marijuana is better than smoking cigarettes. However this does not mean that all people should start doing drugs. However in some cases drugs are legal in some countries in the world. Such as, the Netherlands allow marijuana to be legal. Even though drugs are illegal, addictive substance such as alcohol, tobacco, and prescribed drugs that are easily available can do as much harm as illegal drugs can. Also they can be addictive as much. The worst thing about alcohol or prescribed drugs compared to illegal drugs are that they are easily available but they can do a lot of harm and can be very addictive. So a person who is addicted to alcohol is no worse than a person who is addicted to marijuana.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I go to a international school in Korea. In this blog I will post about different types of drugs, effects of consuming or using drugs, pros and cons of drugs, and I will also compare drugs to alcohol and other addictive and bad things you can get in public. Even though my blog is about drugs, I don't do drugs. Hope my blog can help you to know what drugs are and the pros and cons of it.